Had a brief conversation with the new dissertation dean (Dr. B) last week. He had assumed that we would be having the discussion I had with Dr. S TWO YEARS AGO! (See March 30, 2014 blog post.) That is, he thought I was trying to kick off the proposal process.
Needless to say, I quickly corrected that assumption...walked him through the entire process, when I turned things in, Dr. Z's (non)responses, etc. I told him that my biggest concern was that my data was now more than a year old and that I wouldn't be able to get any more. He assured me that I wouldn't have to start over, that I was "done." Hallelujah.
Part of his role as the new guy was to circle around with all of the thesis advisors. He plans to reach out to Dr. Z to see where we are in the process and how to get it all finished. He promises to get back to me after that.
When I started this blog, I had absolutely no idea that I would be still in the process by January of 2016.
Dr. Z has reviewed about 70% of my work as of August of last year. I have received no updates since. I hesitate to start into making the changes warranted by the review because I don't have time to deal with it the first time around after only a partial review, much less go through it again.
Concerned that the data in the dissertation is now over a year old. I realize that it is obsolete the moment you "publish" it, but now we're really getting beyond the "sell by" date!
The school has a new dissertation dean (no more Dr. S). He is Dr. B, and I have an appointment for a Skype call with him later this week. Stay tuned...