After putting the process down for a week, I'm going to get back to it soon.
I haven't been home in a week, having left last Monday to work at the home office, then Hubby joined me Friday so we could run the Raleigh (USA) Rock 'n' Roll Half Marathon Sunday, April 13. Just trying to keep some balance...all work (job) and more work (dissertation) tend to keep one's life out of balance. I didn't break any speed records or have any PRs in yesterday's race, but my Fitbit says I ran/walked 36,000 steps and climbed 69 floors (very hilly course). I'm rather proud of that.
So this week, I need to get my literature in order and continue with the literature review. I picked up a couple of books on Predictive Analytics from my company's library to get a little more insight into the mechanics of the analysis I'm performing. That (believe it or not) excites me a bit - particularly as I need to rest my legs from yesterday's half marathon. Ow.
My legs are finally back to feeling somewhat normal. You?